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Protect XP®

Protect XP®

Protect XP® is the premier management solution for NonStop systems, with sophisticated security policy modeling, an integrated GUI for administrating Safeguard, and CSP’s auditing and intrusion detection modules.

NonStop Security Management Made Easy

Protect simplifies the security administrator’s task of managing Safeguard security by providing one common interface through its intuitive Windows GUI.

All of the implementation and management aspects of Safeguard security for NonStop servers are easily accomplished through Protect XP, with no need for special training or knowledge to master complex command syntax.

Key Features

  • Effortless implementation of Safeguard rules.
  • Security policy definition and implementation.
  • User and object management on multiple systems from a single desktop.
  • Customizable Safeguard audit reports.
  • Security analysis reports.
  • OSS support.

Safeguard Object Management

Using the Protect XP powerful GUI, administrators can readily manage Safeguard settings for processes, volumes, subvolumes, diskfiles etc., including ACLs,’license’, ‘progID’, etc.

Safeguard User Management

Protect XP® has built in wizards that take the complexity out of adding users and aliases, easily updating user information such as user account expiration, account ownership and audit settings.

Protect XP® has a searchable personal information database that lets you match system user names to real user’s names, contact information and other customizable information.

Security administrators can also use wildcards in the “User” or “Object Name” fields to display a list of names meeting predefined filter criteria and select the names for multiple processing.


Policy Management

Protect XP’s Policy Management allows you to manage your object permissions in an access matrix in business terms (e.g. ‘dev users’ can read/write ‘dev files’).

Once defined and associated with real users and objects, a policy can be implemented on one or many systems at a time. Similarly, a policy can cover an entire system or just one part (application or applications) of a system.

Implementation can configure thousands of objects with the settings you need, without recourse to command line error or elaborate scripts.

Protect XP® can compare your intended security policy to those currently implemented by Safeguard. A “Compare” report allows you to identify the changes that will be made as a result of policy deployment.
