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CSP NetPass

CSP Netpass

CSP NetPass provides a unique solution for both enforcing password quality and managing passwords across multiple HP NonStop systems.

Central Management

Using the CSP Windows client, administrators can:

  1. Develop and apply password quality rules.
  2. Change passwords for users across multiple Nonstop systems at once.

CSP NetPass servers running on each Nonstop server are used to propagate the password based on a common username. Communications between the CSP NetPass servers and the Windows client are fully encrypted for security.

Password Quality Rules

Password quality rules can be specified to include:

  • Minimum password length.
  • Minimum alphabetic characters.
  • Minimum numeric characters.
  • Maximum same characters.
  • Maximum consecutive characters.
  • Passwords cannot be the same as the logon name.
  • Passwords cannot be the same as part of the logon.
  • Check passwords against a dictionary.
  • Check parts of password against the dictionary.

Users can change their own passwords on multiple systems

In addition to the administrator changing passwords, users can also use NetPass to change their passwords across multiple systems using the Windows client or a simple TACL utility.

Password Quality SEEP

NetPass can also run as a SEEP. In this mode, the password quality rules are applied on Safeguard protected systems regardless of who initiates the password change.